♥ A Love Letter to Annie Butler ♥ Curious is delighted to welcome Anne F. Butler (affectionately known as Annie) to play Deirdre in our production of The Humans. She’s a fan fave up in Creede where she worked for the past 18 years…and you’ll soon see why with her remarkable performance.
When I first met Annie Butler it was June. It was snowing. I had just driven into Creede, the mountain town that would become my home for the next five years. It was a strange place, smaller than I expected, with a beauty that seemed to put everything in slow motion. Before I saw Annie, I saw her dog. He’s small, fuzzy, caramel colored, and triumphantly named Hercules. Annie wasn’t far behind. She was wearing what I would come to think of as her ‘uniform’ of sorts: a small red winter hat, jeans, hiking boots, a colored vest. My “tour guide” introduced us and she welcomed me, with a broad smile and crinkling eyes, in a such a way that felt like she was sharing a piece of her heart. It’s hard walking into a new place and feeling immediately at home. Meeting Annie made it easy. Seeing Annie onstage for the first time was mesmerizing. She was hilarious, hopeful, heartbreaking. Watching her act felt as if she had taken me by the hand and led me through a door to a new world, as if she was letting me in on a secret. Annie carries Creede in her bones. Being around her feels like sitting under a blanket next to a fire, sipping on tea and whiskey as the snow falls around your mountain cabin. Annie is small town warmth, big-hearted kindness, the type of funny that feels like a gift slid across a table. And with this letter I want the world to know: I LOVE ANNIE BUTLER. I love how she dives into every role, digging until the character she’s playing settles into her skin and lives within her. I love how she embraces everyone she meets with the same compassion and enthusiasm with which she embraces her art.
~Maggie Maggie Schlundt, Patron Development Manager |