Kenya Mahogany Fashaw (she/her) is an actress, professional spoken word artist, educator, director, producer and playwright. She is the founder and owner of Black Artists Amplified which aims to amplify the voices of the youth through theater, poetry and music. She has written and directed the Henry Award winning play Colorism, Breaking The Chains of Complexion, Produced by (5280 Artist Co-Op). Kenya was Honored as one of Colorado’s Creative in the Denver Westword. Her recent theater work includes: Aurora Fox Art Center’s production of Toni Stone and Vintage Theatre’s production of Cadillac Crew. And the direction of Firehouse Theaters production of The Nacirema Society. Kenya’s passion is to create and be a part of stories that normalize BlPOC people and delivers experiences that capture the imagination and builds awareness, and education. Kenya is excited to be taking on the role of Sandra, in Curious Theater’s production of Confederates!